WOKK 78 wh'!>'\*'i tlw h'Mth i»r ti«s iml swamp, and following it Jf *• i" ir> f«»im»t, Nttidyliig tin* variations of its ii »*f*>i • *n*i f «i« » If * !»'hitions In othi*r communities * tv rt**'l»Ml ttttfisthons, and its dependence *»i , *hmi/,i« of a region con- v uiv»ytf uil! i*Ivr a dt^ep^r insight into '!«» tnl flwii rmiltl b* gained from the a iMtt-nil survey, and will surely It i? j h,ibit.i! iJ tin- '-«»tt, j»?t«j<*rJv *.nj.ill ;tr».i ^f «**k i \fiiifl tli* 'tu'tv v«m*fit f^r {tfiuu tip* M*jn!iPii;ifv , .tUifition j»'. -iW»' luttfftirtif** fl'4! "I «l « fully th" }*iii;i4iy ».twvi*v »«ft tin* monographic methods 414* * * ,**!isshmc*nt of tlie seedlings fli^rly jwoblems are those individual plants, either of Itw* (